Blanco Agri Bio

Ciriga Sicily Glamping is also Blanco Agri Bio

An organic farm that extends for 6 hectares, among almond, olive, carob, citrus and vegetable gardens. A sandy soil rich in nutrients that expands between rolling hills and secular trees.

Vegetables, fruit and citrus fruit

The products are cultivated with love and patience by our family. Monitored and controlled from sowing to marketing, which we deal with ourselves.

We have developed GAS in Sicily, Italy and also abroad, customers order products directly via chat or with a call.



Ours is an EVO oil produced with natural methods that go beyond organic.
Most of our trees are secular and some of wild origin (ie born spontaneously) others autochthonous “Moresca”, “Verdessa” and “Frantoio”.
We are in the authentic Mediterranean Scrub, 2km from the sea, a mainly sandy soil and very rich in nutrients. Our water is detected 200 meters below ground, abundant in iron and minerals. The trees are mainly sprinkled with rainwater generated in a wild and uncontaminated soil and no leaf treatment is done. Sometimes, simply, we spread in the soil organic fertilizer arrived from neighboring stables and just!


We take orders via chat or email.
Contact us to place an order or for more info!


Our olives are harvested by hand directly from the trees during the right ripening of the olive tree according to the variety.

Trees are not stressed by invasive machinery. The olives are brought to the mill within 24 hours of harvesting, and are cold pressed by modern machinery without adding water, thus obtaining a real olive juice, For this we can say that our extra virgin olive oil is par excellence of the highest quality.  

In addition, love and passion are the extraordinary elements that adorn the picture as a frame!

Our sustainable choice

We chose an ultra-light, eco-sustainable and totally recyclable packaging. The can is completely obscuring thus ensuring longer oil life and a perfect maintenance over time.

The label, very elegant and refined, emphasizes the preciousness of the product. It is also steeped in history and tradition. The stylized man is Giorgio, our grandfather, the image is taken from a real photo that takes him in the act of “Grafting” a wild olive tree.

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